2024, Let’s Go! As we embrace the new year, let’s explore the ingredients that Goldilocks described as not too hot, not too cold….just right! In the spirit of gratitude for my incredible community, the Hungover Harriers, here’s a quick 3-minute read that serves as both a guide for your personal recipe and a heartfelt appreciation for the fantastic group I’m proud to be part of.

Curious about the name? It’s a nod to the Hash House Harriers, a global network of non-competitive running social clubs, blending our love for fun and frivolity. As you start to identify your recipe for you in 2024, here are 3 ingredients that work for me.

It all starts with MINDSET, ‘if you think you can or you can’t, you are right’ – ‘Henry Ford’ best sums up this first key ingredient. When it comes to the ‘Harriers’, setting an intention on every Tuesday night by setting an alarm at 5am and knowing I am committed on the Whatsapp to be front and centre at 6am drives an accountability and personal commitment to myself to own my own sh*t! The added bonus? Not wanting to let my mates down, which brings us to the second key ingredient.

MATESHIP: Who are your people, your tribe, your trusted circle? Kick off 2024 by reaching out to them and reinforcing their place in your inner circle. Mateship is an underutilised energy source for many of us who are in ‘peak life’; If you have a lot going on and found yourself answering ‘busy’ when someone asked you how you are in 2023, I am talking to you. Family, career, life in general converging to a level of intensity in this life stage like no other time in your life…sound familiar? Mateship for many of us is that secret ingredient of love that makes the best dishes. Talking it over, with someone you may know deeply or hardly at all on the weekly lap is a chance to listen, share and connect in a nonjudgemental, safe and positive environment. Listening, sharing, being in the present moment is such a great way to ‘join the dots’ on the complexities we find ourselves navigating in the frantic pace of life.

MOVEMENT: The research around new year’s resolutions offer up that exercising more and eating healthier are the two most popular goals so this one is a no brainer. Whether you run, ride, swim, surf, pickleball… Do something. That something is about getting your heart rate going to break a light sweat, a way to think about is a heart rate of 180 minus your age and doing something enjoy a few times a week. Movement unlocks so many of the feel-good neuro chemicals that last way longer than being out of breath… lean into the discomfort knowing it will help you in more ways than one.

The goodness I get from a weekly dose of the Harriers has been a vital part of my wellbeing recipe for the last few years and as we gear up for another year, have fun finding your recipe to help you be the you that makes you smile.